Balancing personal and professional ambition with a NED (no evidence of disease) status is proving to be tougher than I expected, and it has affected a larger part of my life than I expected.

Got my first surveillance scan results and they were good. Unfortunately many people around the world - some friends - have not been getting such good results. I also know I am just at the beginning of the long and dangerous road of recurrence. Cancer just sucks.

I’ve been very lucky on financial front with respect to my cancer journey, but the monetary cost of cancer is still pretty high. It’s a question I often get so I thought I’d share some of the details here.

After 10 months of cancer treatment a good PET scan has meant an end, for now. Now my doctors are telling me to just “do what I normally do” i.e. get back to normal life…and come back to see them for another scan in 6 months. Which such a big cloud hanging over you, how do you just “get back to normal”.

There are so many people to thank. Too many in fact. However just before I complete my last major surgery in my 1st line treatment journey I thought it was a good time to pause and thank a few key people.