Dad to three beautiful kids - Ada (5), Calla (3) and Ellis (7 mths). Husband to the amazing Amelia McLean.
Born in South Africa but with extended periods spent since in New Zealand, Australia (Sydney and Melbourne), London and the USA.
Trained to be a lawyer but ditched that very quickly when I discovered the joys of 6 minute increment billing. Found my way into industrial gases, then trade diplomacy and finally - after an MBA in the UK - technology. Have spent 7 great years with Google in Sydney and Mountain View, California.
I've never been a blogger but in July 2017 I was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer, a bit of a surprise for an otherwise healthy 35 year old. I'm told writing helps to process things, and I'm being asked for details & updates from friends and family around the a blog seemed like a good way to go.