Treating Colorectal Cancer (CRC)
As I gather information about the treatment of CRC I'm collating here for my ready access and in case it proves useful for others in the future.
Centres of Excellence in CRC
- The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center - CRC - John Hopkins University.
Genetic Research
- Colorectal Cancer Altas here
- Liu, Y; Zhang, X; Han, C; Wan, G; Huang, X; Ivan, C; Jiang, D; Rodriguez-Aguayo, C; Lopez-Berestein, G; Rao, PH; Maru, DM; Pahl, A; He, X; Sood, AK; Ellis, LM; Anderl, J; Lu, X (30 April 2015). "TP53 loss creates therapeutic vulnerability in colorectal cancer.". Nature. 520 (7549): 697–701.
Care Oncology (Generic drug metabolic treatment)
- Working on this
- great guide to understanding all of the chemotherapy types, side effects and precautions.
Cytometric Cancer Profiling
Working on this
- Video of a presentation (by Prof. Gilad Bachrach) to a scientific conference (Clinical Nanomedicine and Targeted Medicine, October 2017). Talk is technical but also does a great job of explaining in simple terms the relationship between Fusobacterium and colon cancer.
- Great article from the New York Times on this here.
Working on this
Working on this
- Simmonds PC, Primrose JN, Colquitt JL, Garden OJ, Poston GJ, Rees M (April 2006). "Surgical resection of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer: A systematic review of published studies". Br. J. Cancer. 94 (7): 982–99.
- Akgül, Çetinkaya, Ersöz, Tez. Role of surgery in colorectal cancer liver metastases. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 May 28;20(20):6113-22
Alternative Therapies
- If you're interested in alternative cancer treatments take a look at The site looks a lot at nutrition but also a range of other alternative treatment protocols.