Treating Colorectal Cancer (CRC)

Treating Colorectal Cancer (CRC)

As I gather information about the treatment of CRC I'm collating here for my ready access and in case it proves useful for others in the future. 

Centres of Excellence in CRC

Genetic Research

Care Oncology (Generic drug metabolic treatment)

  • Working on this


  • great guide to understanding all of the chemotherapy types, side effects and precautions. 

Cytometric Cancer Profiling


  • Working on this


  • Video of a presentation (by Prof. Gilad Bachrach) to a scientific conference (Clinical Nanomedicine and Targeted Medicine,  October 2017). Talk is technical but also does a great job of explaining in simple terms the relationship between Fusobacterium and colon cancer. 
  • Great article from the New York Times on this here.


  • Working on this


  • Working on this


Alternative Therapies

  • If you're interested in alternative cancer treatments take a look at The site looks a lot at nutrition but also a range of other alternative treatment protocols.  




Support Groups, Blogs etc

Support Groups, Blogs etc

Understanding Cancer

Understanding Cancer